Remository is a neat file repository for Joomla, with an exceptional range of functions and a powerful user interface. Currently available for Joomla 3.x, there is a version for Joomla 4 under development. It has its own dedicated web site at

Remository is developed by Black Sheep Research, and support services or customisation are available – subscribe to gain access to the question and answer forum and the support ticket system.

My Remository History

I got into this back in 2004 because my site was hacked through a security hole in Remository. It transpired that Matt Smith, previously Mr Remository, had gone off to do other things. Well, in the spirit of open source, if you want something done, one possibility is to do it yourself. So here we are. There has been a rapid series of small releases. The aim was to produce a single component that will work in any version of Joomla. The latest code works with PHP 8 and the newest Joomla 3.x version. But until recently, we also supported a client who continues to run a successful web site based on Joomla 1.0.15 (updated with our improvements).